Standby Reviewer Email

Dependency: Extended Track Selection

Standby speaker invitation

PyCon India 2023 - Standby speaker invitation

Thank you for submitting your proposal. Unfortunately, we regret that your proposal was not shortlisted for the conference. However, we would like to offer you the opportunity to be a standby speaker.

Role of a standby speaker:
A standby speaker will take their place if a scheduled speaker cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances.

We would like to know if you would be willing to serve as a standby speaker for your proposal, "Feel the Flow: A Journey into Distributed Processing" and be prepared to present at the conference. Thank you.

Please note a few additional points:

  1. You will be responsible for arranging your conference ticket, travel, and accommodation.
  2. There is no guarantee that you will secure a speaking slot.

Best regards,
Soumendra Kumar Sahoo
Lead, CFP Workgroup, PyCon India 2023

Thoughts 🤔 by Soumendra Kumar Sahoo is licensed under CC BY 4.0