
Building a solid infrastructure for ML systems is a big deal. It needs to ensure that the development and deployment of ML applications are organized and reliable. But here's the thing β€” every company's infrastructure needs are different. It depends on how many ML applications they have, how quickly they need to deploy, or how many requests they need to handle.

For example, if a company has just one model in production, the deployment process can be handled manually. On the other end of the spectrum, companies like Netflix or Uber, with hundreds of models in production, need highly specialized infrastructure to support them.

Now you might ask yourself a question : Where does your company fit on that spectrum?

MLOps maturity levels shared by Google and Microsoft are here to help. They describe the advancement and sophistication of the ML infrastructure based on the best practices in the industry.

This blog post aims to synthesize and take the best from both frameworks. First, we'll analyze five maturity levels and show the progression from manual processes to advanced automated infrastructures. Then, in the last section, we will argue that some of the points presented by Microsoft and Google should not be followed blindly but rather be adjusted to your needs. This should help you to be more aware in the process of figuring out where you stand with your infrastructure and finding potential areas for improvement.

Alright, let's dive in!

What is MLOps?

MLOps is a set of practices to establish a standardized and repeatable process for managing the entire ML lifecycle, starting from data preparation, model training, deployment, and monitoring. It borrows from the widely adopted DevOps practices in software engineering, which are focused on giving teams a rapid and continuously iterative approach to shipping software applications.

However, DevOps tools are not sufficient for the ML world and differ in several ways:

Now let's explore the various maturity levels of MLOps infrastructures.

Level 1 β€” Manual


Manual ML infrastructure. The design is inspired by Google's blog post. Image by author.

At this level, the data processing, experimentation, and model deployment processes are entirely manual. Microsoft refers to this level as 'No MLOps', since the ML lifecycle is difficult to repeat and automate.

The entire workflow relies heavily on skilled data scientists, with some assistance from a data engineer to prepare the data and a software engineer to integrate the model with the product/business processes if needed.

This approach works great in cases like:

According to both Google and Microsoft, this approach also faces several limitations, including:

Level 2 β€” Repeatable


Repeatable ML infrastructure with additional source repository and monitoring. Image by author.

Next, we introduce the DevOps aspect to the infrastructure by converting the experiments to the source code and storing them in the source repository using a version control system like Git.

Microsoft suggests changes to the data collection process by adding the following:

To level up the infrastructure, we must bring in some automated testing alongside version control. This means using practices like unit tests, integration tests, or regression tests. These will help us deploy faster and make things more reliable by ensuring our code changes don't cause errors or bugs.

With all those changes in place, we can repeat the data collection and deployment process. However, we still need a proper monitoring system. Microsoft mentions it briefly by saying there's "limited feedback on how well a model performs in production," but they don't go into the details about it.

Level 3 β€” Reproducible


Reproducible ML infrastructure with automated training and orchestrated experiments. Image by author.

There are two key reasons why reproducibility is crucial: troubleshooting and collaboration. Imagine a scenario when the performance of your recently deployed model is deteriorating, resulting in inaccurate predictions. In that case, you need to keep a record of previous versions of the data and model to roll back the other version of the model until you find the root cause of the underlying issue.

Moreover, reproducibility makes it easier for different team members to understand what others are doing and build on each other's work. This collaborative approach and knowledge sharing can lead to faster innovation and better models.

To achieve reproducibility, we made have to level up the architecture in four ways:

At that stage, a monitoring service is available, offering real-time feedback on the performance of the model. However, apart from confirming it's there, neither Microsoft nor Google provide any additional information.

Level 4 β€” Automated


Automated ML infrastructure with CI/CD. Image by author.

This automation level helps data scientists efficiently explore new ideas in feature engineering, model architecture, and hyperparameters by automating the machine learning pipeline, including building, testing, and deployment. To achieve this, Microsoft suggests incorporating two extra components:

Level 5 β€” Continuously improved


Continuously improved ML infrastructure with automated retraining. Image by author.

At this stage, the model is automatically retrained based on the trigger from the monitoring system. This process of retraining is also known as continuous learning. The objectives of continuous learning are:

Push for automation

Microsoft and Google are major players in the cloud computing market, with Azure holding a 22% market share and Google at 10%. They offer a wide range of services, including computing, storage, and development tools, which are essential components for building advanced ML infrastructure.

Like any business, they main goal is to generate revenue by selling these services. This is partially why their blogs emphasize advancement and automation. However, a higher level of maturity doesn't guarantee better results for your business. The optimal solution is the one that aligns with your company's specific needs and right tech stack.

While maturity levels can help to determine your current advancement, they shouldn't be followed blindly since Microsoft and Google's main incentives are to sell their services. The example is specifically their push for automated retraining. This process requires a lot of computation, but it's often unnecessary or harmful. Retraining should be done when needed. What's more important for your infrastructure is having a reliable monitoring system and an effective root cause analysis process.

Monitoring should start from the manual level

A limited monitoring system appears at level 2 in the described maturity levels. In reality, you should monitor your model as soon as business decisions are taken based on its output, regardless of maturity level. It allows you to reduce the risk of failure and see how the model performs regarding your business goals.

The initial step in monitoring can be as simple as comparing the model's predictions to the actual values. This basic comparison is a baseline assessment of the model's performance and a good starting point for further analysis when the model is failing. Additionally, it's important to consider the evaluation of data science efforts, which includes measuring the return on investment (ROI). This means assessing the value that data science techniques and algorithms bring to the table. It's crucial to understand how effective these efforts are in generating business value.

Evaluating ROI gives you insights and information that can help you make better decisions regarding allocating resources and planning future investments. As infrastructure evolves, the monitoring system can become more complex with additional features and capabilities. However, you should still pay attention to the importance of applying a basic monitoring setup to the infrastructure at the first level of maturity.

Risks of retraining

In the description of level 5, we listed the benefits of automatic retraining in production. However, before adding it to your infrastructure, you should consider the risks related to it:

  1. Retraining on delayed data

In some real-world scenarios, like loan-default prediction, labels may be delayed for months or even years. The ground truth is still coming, but you are retraining your model using the old data, which may not represent the current reality well.

2. Failure to determine the root cause of the problem

If the model's performance drops, it doesn't always mean that it needs more data. There could be various reasons for the model's failure, such as changes in downstream business processes, training-serving skew, or data leakage. You should first investigate to find the underlying issue and then retrain the model if necessary.

3. Higher risk of failure

Retraining amplifies the risk of model failure. Besides the fact that it adds complexity to the infrastructure, the more frequently you update, the more opportunities the model has to fail. Any undetected problem appearing in the data collection or preprocessing will be propagated to the model, resulting in a retrained model on flawed data.

4. Higher costs

Retraining is not a cost-free process. It involves expenses related to:


ML systems are complex. Building and deploying models in a repeatable and sustainable manner is tough. In this blog post, we have explored five MLOps maturity levels based on the Google and Microsoft best practices in the industry. We have discussed the evolution from manual deployment to automated infrastructures, highlighting the benefits that each level brings. However, it is crucial to understand that these practices should not be followed blindly. Instead, their adaptation should be based on your company's specific needs and requirements.


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Thoughts πŸ€” by Soumendra Kumar Sahoo is licensed under CC BY 4.0