59.32 UDP
- UDP is a Layer-4 protocol to send and receive data.
- It stands for User Datagram Protocol.
- It has an 8-byte header datagram.
- Use cases are:
- Video streaming
- DNS resolver
- WebRTC
- It's a simple protocol with no connection establishment complexities.
- The header size is small (8 bytes), so datagrams are small.
- It uses less bandwidth.
- It's stateless.
- It consumes less memory (as stateless, with no state stored in the server/client)
- It has low latency - no handshake, order, retransmission, or guaranteed delivery.
- No acknowledgment from the client. The server does not care.
- No guarantee delivery
- Connection-less - anyone can send data without prior knowledge
- No flow control
- There is no congestion control or clue if the client can handle the data—just force feed.
- No ordered packets
- Security - can be easily spoofed.
Thoughts 🤔 by Soumendra Kumar Sahoo is licensed under CC BY 4.0