Speaker Preference

  1. Laisha: [Workshop]
    1. 29th Afternoon; the earliest she can reach Hyderabad at 9:30 AM IST
    2. Proposal: Python + Blockchain: Your Guide to Building Full Stack DApps
  2. Jatin Goel: [Workshop]
    1. 29th Afternoon; earliest he can reach around 9 AM IST
    2. Proposal: Building Multi-Tenant applications with Django and Django-Tenants
  3. Shrayas Rajagopal: [Talk]
    1. Fly-In: 29th Night or 30th morning
    2. Fly out: 1st Oct Evening
    3. Proposal: The programmer's guide to timestamps and timezones

Thoughts 🤔 by Soumendra Kumar Sahoo is licensed under CC BY 4.0