Terraform is an infra management tool made by Hashicorp. It helps in provision, managing and maintaining cloud resources. Terraform is not a config management tool.



Internal working

Complete Terraform Course - From BEGINNER to PRO! (Learn Infrastructure as Code)

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xngnjfIlK4


There are three approaches to provisioning cloud resources:

  1. GUI
  2. API/CLI
  3. IaC

Categories of IaC:

  1. Ad Hoc scripts
  2. Config management tools like Ansible
  3. Server templating tools
  4. Orchestration tools like k8s
  5. Provisioning tools
    Two types of tools:
  6. Declarative tools like SQL
  7. Imperative
    • Here, you specify a sequence of instructions.
      Terraform and Pulumi are Cloud agnostic tools.

Terraform overview and setup


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Thoughts 🤔 by Soumendra Kumar Sahoo is licensed under CC BY 4.0