⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️==: These are my mindless words eruption; these may waste your valuable time.==

We feel satisfied with petty things in life one after another and seldom get a thought to chase for bigger/more significant than life works.

Sometimes it’s worth going out of reach to make people know your importance.

All quiz competitions are conducted only on past data.

The deeds we do comes back to us, the good ones and also the bad ones too.

When you have a major and only one goal to achieve, you forget all the pain and chaos in life, all become a secondary priority for you, and you see only one thing, your aim. Some people get it, and some die without it. Keep looking, do not settle.

You should spend less time making a reversible decision, i.e., where you have little to lose, but take more time on taking the irreversible decision, where more things are at stake.

All the steps you take in life, do not always expect something in return. There are things you should be doing without any expectations, like adding value to people and spreading positivity and love. This will make you human.

Somebody asked, why did you take up so many roles in parallel? I know you are not doing any of those for money; then why?
What I can say is I am still searching for a single specific work in my life for which I will come back even after it becomes a flat line. That search is still there, and I am getting prepared for that by taking up tasks across multiple areas. Hopefully, one day I will find it. That day I will switch off all other work.

Perks of a job should not become more important than the job itself - Boman Irani

Do all you are doing like it is the last time you are doing. Life is uncertain and you never know if you ever get a chance to do it again. Maybe this is the last time you are doing it. Give your best shot.

Life itself is temporary; everybody knows but no one wants to believe it. Take control of it, take responsibility and live it on your own terms. - Smriti Irani

Thoughts 🤔 by Soumendra Kumar Sahoo is licensed under CC BY 4.0