
We do not have any original text of this philosophy yet. We only got how the critics criticize this philosophy by quoting or exaggerating it.


Public Interpretation of Charwak Philosphy|800


In Indian philosophy, Bigyan means Chetna or Consciousness



Religion is a mental disease.
- Charvak Philosophy



Source: https://youtu.be/wUvI9AMkSFA

My takeaways 📝

I like a few of their philosophies, like the following:

  1. There is only one life; we should act accordingly without hurting others. Who knows what will happen at the next birth? Enjoy this human life fully. Do what you like.
  2. Questioning everything and being curious. The first principle of thinking came from here.
  3. AI chatbots becoming sentinel can be supported by this philosophy.
    Unfortunately, the original text was burnt.

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Thoughts 🤔 by Soumendra Kumar Sahoo is licensed under CC BY 4.0